Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pay it Forward People.

I took Coco to Coney Island for dinner tonight because she got two, count em' two, Panther Paws at school today.  Panther Paws are little orange circles of paper that one receives if one does something super duper at Emma Smith Elementary.  Stockbridge, as a town,  basically runs on Panther Paws...get with the program people.

In the beginning of the year she brought every single one home because she liked the wow factor of saying "guess who got a Panther Paw today??!!"  At some point, she realized that you could put them in a box by the office to win a prize, so she dutifully gathered dozens of them from around the house and tried to throw the odds a bit, but those other kids were onto her and stopped her short, and we had to settle for the pride of having them at home.

Anyhoo, after a lovely meal of Coco creating "force fields" around her french fries so that I would get shocked if I tried to eat anymore (I just wanted one ok?) (maybe two), it was time to head out.  But then the manager walked up to the table next to us and stated "you ladies won't be getting a bill tonight."

I shushed Coco straining one table over to hear the goods...what was the problem?  raw chicken?  regular coke when they had ordered diet?  What on earth happened to them that they got no bill???

"The woman sitting behind you paid for your meals.  She said to have a wonderful night."

There was confusion followed by awe followed by appreciation.  "But we didn't know her!" they protested.  And that is the point, isn't it?  Random acts of goodwill.  Because you never know when someone just needs someone to do something unexpected and nice for them.

And that is your homework.  Pay it forward people.

And if life gives me too much of anything, let it be poppies and peonies.  Please.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They are still in put these in the back too! They just take a few years to mature. The bushes in front still only had a few buds this year..peonies take patience! I put a few more bulbs in this spring, knowing that it will be years before I'll get my bouquet from them!

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They burned up last year because it was so hot and dry, literally sad little brown leaves, so no blooms. We dug up a shade garden under the laundry room windows and moved them over there. They seam happy and very green, so fingers crossed!

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  5. Love and positivity absolutely builds on itself, and I LOVE how often you illustrate that. :)

    1. And I get all of those feelings when I see pictures of you and MC and're doing things right Camilla, your perfect little family nuclues radiates love and warmth. We are gonna be such good friends, you and I. ;)
