Let me start by saying that I do not have body image issues, I just never have. I have been much thinner than I am right now, and I have been larger. I love my curves, my husband loves my curves, and I know how to dress my curves. I think it goes without saying that it doesn't matter how thin you are, how much money you have, how many "things" you have...this does not define who you are nor does it determine one's happiness. Shout this to your pre-pubescent and teenage daughters!!
But, we all get in eating ruts, and sometimes we need a good smack on the ass to make some healthy lifestyle changes. When I got a little local food movement obsessed this spring, I started talking crazy talk about joining Weight Watchers to shed a few pounds. I say "crazy talk," because my adoring husband can not fathom the concept of paying someone to weigh you each week. (Full Disclosure: I have done weight watchers, I love weight watchers). But Joe asked me to try something different this time, a serious family lifestyle change.
And so, I joined Joe Watchers.
It's no secret that Joe does most of the cooking. He is a phenomenal chef, and has learned in some of the best kitchens in town. He, like my friend Allison, just has a knack for making something out of nothing, for knowing how ingredients can make magic together. So, on Joe Watchers, Joe makes the meals.
My first obstacle was to stop over-indulging. I crave good food. My friends are foodies and chefs. There is never a shortage of decadent cheeses, cream sauces, or luscious desserts to be had. I had to face the hard truth that Zingermann's Roadhouse is NOT one of the five food groups (I was just as shocked as you are ladies!). I just had to reign it in folks, the good old 80/20 rule. Eat what you should 80% of the time, and what you want 20%. And that certainly hasn't been difficult this time of year. Our sweet new forever friends down the road drop off succulent bags of organic greens, kale, swiss chard, and kohlrabi from their farm, the raspberries are dripping off of our bushes, and our egg yolks are a deep rich orange.
And, it has been working. With some good old sweaty farm work thrown in for good measure, I have tightened my belt a few notches and am ready for a little vacay. My parents, sister's family, and her in laws pulled into the farm today for a big family dinner before we all head up north for a week. We had a perfect meal of bbq pork on the grill, freshly shelled sweet peas, a medley of swiss chard and kale sautéed in bacon grease (80/20 right?), sweet corn, and salad picked from the garden with homemade croutons and Joe's famous vinaigrette. Followed in short order by freshly picked rhubarb raspberry crisp with fresh whipped cream. Pancakes, fresh berries, and sausage from last fall's hog in the morning before we set out on our adventure. We will all be camping out here for the week (ok, I use the word camping kind of loosely :)).
Bottom line? Love your self and your body. Put good local food into your body...so that you can go up north and eat fish and chips for a week and not feel guilty ;).
Mamma prepping for dinner. Have I mentioned how I adore my kitchen? I could, and do, stand at that counter for hours.
The men taking the requisite walk through of the farm, you know, just to check things out :). Joe was having a "white jeans" kind of day.
The ladies lounging on Grandma Rosie's beautiful porch furniture after a successful reupholstering effort!
Did I mention we live at the end of the rainbow?
Signing off for the week. My toes will be buried in the sugary sands of Lake Michigan...15% off anything in the shop whilst I'm gone, coupon code UPNORTH ;).