Thursday, June 14, 2012

Like a Young Stag...Happy Four Year JoJo Buns.

"My love is like a gazelle, like a young stag."  Song of Songs.  This was how our marriage began.  This was the first reading at our wedding mass.  Fr. Marty was never disappointed in our marriage prep courses....Joe and I are full of surprises and sordid pasts.  He would always take off his glasses, look from one of us to the other, and laugh, like, "are you two kidding me with this stuff?"  He was so happy when we chose this as one of the readings, because he said that Joe reminded him of a leaping gazelle, of a young stag.  In the middle of our ceremony, the unity candle blew out (the doors were open people...just a breeze, not an omen), and Joe leaped from his seat, ran across the alter, pulled out his lighter, and re lit it.  And Fr. Marty looked at me and mouthed the words "Like a leaping gazelle!"  We sat in front of him at church last weekend, and it was the same look, from me to Joe, and a big smile...4 years later.

It was a beautiful day in June.  After a night full of thunderstorms, the morning broke clear.  All of my busy little bee family members went to work early at the wedding site, a lovely wooded area next to my aunt's house, making every last detail perfect.  After months of planning, making, crafting, and preparing for the big day, it had come.

And, it was glorious.  A garden party to beat all garden parties.  The guests all walked from church to the reception, like our very own beautiful wedding parade.  Judy and Ella sang splendidly in the background, and polish food filled our plates and our bellies.  There were flowers and people we loved was truly a magical day.

Why do we look like we are 14 here?  This was only four years ago, I swear.

Spoiler alert...Coco was our flower girl.  Do the math.

She was 2 at the wedding, my absolutely favorite age when their teeth are too little for their faces.  It is crazy how she looks like a cherubic little scrunched up version of herself.  Love her.

She carried our rings up the aisle on a perfect little bird's nest.  Then after a few minutes yelled out "Maybe grandpa has my binky," and ran off the alter and passed out on my cousin's lap.  God love her.

The choir that I have sung in since grade school sang a rousing 
Hallelujah Chorus as we exited.  No joke.

On to the party!

Everyone ate off of different vintage china settings that we thrifted and hunted garage sales for.  
We ate off of my grandmother's setting :).

Perfect little vignettes set up though out the perfect.

Carolyn's handmade soaps carefully wrapped for the guests!

My sister sat and painstakingly decorated a lot of cupcakes....thanks Becca!

My beautiful sister...xoxo.

Look at all these pretty people!  Surrounded by love.

What's a garden party without s few good hats?

I love and appreciate my parents beyond words.

The children patiently waiting for the band (Scotty Karate) to take the stage!

The minute Coco got to the reception, someone handed her an orange pop.  Because that's what you give a two year old.  So, we have no pics of her at the reception without the 
huge orange pop stain on her cream shirt ;).  

That look just melts me.

Well ladies and gents, the appropriate presents for year four are linen, lace, fruit, and flowers...and since it will probably take all day for my beautiful
husband to make good on these gifts...we better go get started.  Happy Anniversary Sugar!


  1. How beautiful! Such sweetness and love and celebration totally reminds me why we're getting married. Sometimes the stress of planning it feels like a lot -- but this gorgeous post is a reminder of why it's worth it. :)

  2. What a wonderful tribute to your marriage and Happy Anniversary! Reading your post with the pictures should remind us all why marriage is so special, and it's always worth the reminders to us all that it is SO worth every bit of it all! Thanks for the lovely reminder to stay in love in the present moment and to recall why we married the love of our life as well! Ellen
