Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Small Town Christmas.

This past Saturday we kicked off one of my favorite holiday family traditions...a small town Christmas.  They will happen throughout the holiday season...different little towns and villages throughout Michigan...a Saturday here, or a Sunday there.  We will meet up with my parents, aunts and uncles, cousins...whomever is around, and shop, and eat, and love.  This weekend Coco and I met my mom,  Aunt, and Uncle in Tecumseh for it's Holiday Celebration.  The day ended in a Christmas light parade, but we were there for the shops, and the food, and the company.   I cherish these days lovingly spent browsing from shop to shop, laughing, enjoying each other's company.

Please, by all means, enjoy Thanksgiving first...but we can't hide from the fact that the Christmas "season" starts earlier and earlier each year.  Coco found the radio channel that is already playing Christmas music non-stop, and somehow I already feel behind in my shopping...

Which brings me to my soapbox for this post.  These small town celebrations are a perfect place to get your Christmas shopping done!  Support your small local businesses.  Keep the money in your own community, and get amazing, not your run-of-the-mill gifts.  Shop on Etsy for handmade or vintage goodies (you can change your search parameters to look for local artists and crafters on the site!)  It's a win win!   If you are in my neck of the woods, here are some upcoming events..

Christmas in the Village, Manchester, MI - November 17, Craft shows, horse drawn carriage rides, wreath sales, German bake sale!
Small Business Saturday - November 24, like them on FB for reminders to shop local :)
Dexter Home for the Holidays - December, 1 - A host of craft shows and all around holiday good times!..and a cookie walk!
Hometown Holiday - December 1-2, Chelsea, MI more of same :)
Christmas on the Farm - December 1-2, Waterloo Historical Farm...all kinds of Christmas farm goodness!

Coco and I tried on so many good hats! (said the mother whose child had lice last month...I know I know - But they were rabbit fur!) (note:  the lice is gone, but I should check us again after the hat parade...sigh).

Amy Lesser painting in the corner!!  I took a pic because it lovingly reminded me of you Amy :)

me - "Coco, whose hat is this?"
Coco - "Abe Lincoln's?"
me - "really?  not Frosty's?"
Love her.

Coco writing get well cards at the florist, and taking a reading break at the antique store, and just being cute little Coco.

These have been traveling around Facebook, and Oh How True!!
Remember what we learned today folks?...Make it a locavore Christmas!!

xoxoxo, e.


  1. I love that Christmas has already begun. It's my FAVORITE time of year!! And, just a little plug: Eowyn's school, Rudolf Steiner Ann Arbor, has it's annual holiday bazaar on Dec. 1 ( Not only are there wonderful things for kids to do like silk dying, jump rope winding and cake walking but there is a wonderful bazaar where lots of unique holiday shopping can be done! It's all a big fundraiser for the school, too.

  2. Coco and I will be there or be square!
