Thursday, January 10, 2013

...and to receive!! (the year of the crazy chicken lady).

The temperature will slowly creep into the high 50's today, and so the great snow melt begins.  This weather gets me excited to buy chicks, to clean out the barns and ready them for new animals, to gently brush away layers of winter and look for shoots of green peeking out from the gardens - it does not get me excited for three more months of winter.  Quit teasing us!  Give us a real Michigan winter or lets get on with the spring!

Anyhoo, on to the intended post.  When I give someone a handmade, or really heartfelt gift, I hope that the recipient feels all of the love that went into it.  I happened to be on the receiving end of some amazing pretties this year...and I hope that my gifters know that I feel all of the love that went into them!!

For starters, my sweet sister was amazing.  In the last year, she has gone all natural.  She lovingly makes every cleaning and body product that her family uses.  For Christmas, she made everything for my mom and I...and gave us all of the supplies to make a few more rounds!!  Laundry, all purpose cleaner, static guard, window cleaner...etc etc!  and it smells great, and it's all adorable...Point for Becca!

and...she made me this gorgeous yarn wreath with felt flowers!  (and a vintagey knit shawl from mom :)

Joe's auntie gave me his grandma's "wish folder" from the fifties...all sorts of cut out outfits, kitchen brochures, etc...pure magic and so appreciated!  I love seeing the details that she has circled, and how some of them translated into her home and style!

I'm just saying, give me a jar of nuts and a nut cracker as a gift any day!!!

From many, it was a Michigany Christmas! 
I bought one of these "Great Lakes Great Times" prints at an art fair to give as a gift.  I didn't want to give it away, so imagine my joy when I opened the same print and a petoskey print from my sis on Christmas morning -in vintage frames no less!  (another point Becca), bought at a different art show in a different state.  Great sister minds think alike!

And, the piece(s) de resistance...It was a chicken Christmas!!
remember how you used to kind of collect something, and then one Christmas everyone buys you chicken gifts and you officially feel like the crazy old chicken lady...and you love it!!!  Oh yeah.

I was so mad fat Joe for winning this "luxury fragrance diffuser lamp" that came with a broken shade in the white elephant exchange...until I realized that my little hand painted vintage chicken shade fit on it perfectly!  Score!

xoxo, e.

1 comment:

  1. My step-father grew up on a rural prairie farm in Saskatchewan and has a deeply rooted love of things depicting some of the animals from his youth, including chickens and roasters. As such, I always love to find (or include, if making something from scratch) items featuring these classic farm birds for me for Christmas and birthdays (not all of them, just as I find such gifts organically). I know that he would love your collection - especially red casserole dish.

    ♥ Jessica
