Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day, Old School.

We had a jam packed weekend of events, one of those weekends in which I could only look ahead to one event at a time.  Then rush home, change, grab the next "dish to pass," and head out to the next event.  But what a lovely weekend it turned out to be!

We had family in town, and a family confirmation to attend yesterday morning.  After a little family brunch, we ran home and got ready to head out to Bill's 51st annual Memorial Day BBQ!  It was a potluck/picnic/bbq done up old school and right.  There was chicken on the big handmade stone grill, and dishes ranging from hand pulled mozzarella to green been casserole.  There were jello molds and pea salads.  There was rhubarb in every shape and form.  This was such an awesome change from the usual "vegan hipster" spreads at most the parties we attend (not that I'm complaining, I love vegan hipster food!).  But pea salad and jello molds?  Amazing.  Lots of good old farm folk pulling the fresh rhubarb from their yards and whippin' up pies.  Cheers to Bill's delightful shindig, and to his lovely daughters for running the kids and adult games!

 I sent Joe to the barn for lawn chairs, and he came back with 
"Don and Betty."  Never a dull moment.

Some people stayed upright for the sack and three legged race, and some did not ;).

This blog is getting long winded, so stay tuned for pics from the Cesarz' riding in the Memorial Day Parade!  xoxo, e.

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