It scared the shit out of me.
I would probably never sleep at night again for fear of Monsanto eating my young, except I have faith. I have faith in the small local farmer. I have faith in my friends and neighbors, and their one or two acres of fresh food. I get excited by the twenty and thirty somethings sharing canning recipes on Instagram. We're going to be ok...we have to be ok. But we NEED to learn where our food comes from, and how to feed ourselves folks.
Having said that, I have a short list of foods that I buy from the store each week. I'm not perfect. I buy crates of Little Cuties from Florida, and I'm not delusional in thinking that my cupboard is GMO free. Fucking Reece's Peanut Butter Cups are labeled as GMO for Christ's sake. But I try. I really do.
One thing I buy each week are granola bars. I hate buying them, but I love throwing them in for lunch and snacks. Even the healthy organic ones have high fructose corn syrup and crap in them. SO I MADE THEM. And they are awesome. And you will love them.
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup almond (or peanut) butter
a good squeeze of LOCAL maple syrup
1 1/2 cups of quick oats
(aside from the oats, the rest of the choices are yours! fill em' with your faves!)
I used...
1/2 cup coconut
handful of flax seeds
handful of sesame seeds
nuts, cranberries, raisins, etc. etc.
Toast anything toastable on a baking sheet at 350' for 15 min. (oats, seeds, coconut)
In a small saucepan, combine your wets (honey, almond butter, syrup)
Combine the toasted goodies, the wet mixture, and all of the extras (nuts and berries) in a big bowl, and mix it up.
Press it into a baking pan lined with foil for easy removal. Throw it in the fridge (I keep it in there), and once it hardens DIG IN!!!
xoxo, e.
p.s...Coco loooves them.
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