Monday, July 2, 2012

The 45th Parallel.

Well, I still haven't unpacked from vacation...I'm in "vacation is over" denial.

It was a magical week filled with blue skies and blue water.  I know a small contingent of blog readers do not live in Michigan, and even if you do, everyone's "up north" is I'm gonna split this up over a few blogs and give you a look at my little slice of paradise.

We spent the week in an amazing open timber framed home on the sugar sand shores of Paradesia Cove, in Northport Michigan on the breathtaking Leelanua Peninsula.  We sipped our coffee on the deck overlooking the lake each morning, swam all day, and ate Joe's smores in sweatshirts around the fire pit each night.

The home we stayed in was built by a lovely family in 2009, but we were surrounded by a lovely community of log homes finished and sold off right before the stock market crash of 1929.  The home to our right was built for the Olds Family (Oldsmobile), and to our left a beautiful family home which was a favorite rental of Mario Batalli and his family.  Incidentally, he and his wife fell so in love with the sweet little town of Northport, that they planted roots, and were staying at their home a few miles from us all week.  (Joe did his best to have a "Mario Sighting"...lets just say there were binoculars involved a many accosted coffee shop girls given the third degree about Mario's routine in town, but no sightings ;).)

I should probably just get to the pictures.  But let me just say that Michigan is one of the most beautiful states, and furthermore, one of the most genuinely heart warming places on the planet.  If you can't be happy in Michigan, well, you probably just can't be happy.  I have no desire to truck my ass to a salty ocean when I can swim in Lake Michigan.  I could hike pine tree forests for days, because most of the glorious pathways will eventually lead me to the lake.  Hell, I would even do the dune climb again (a post in itself to come).  As one of my favorite blonds commented this week "F*#k Yeah Michigan!" (censored a little, but sometimes you can't contain yourself!).

Joe likes to keep an eye on what's going on in the cove.

Oh yeah, we stayed there.

I love Sadie Lou!!

Our sweet neighbor Brenda lent us her kayaks for the week to go exploring!  Even my dad went for a romp with Joe!

Mom sadly closing down her bedroom for the last time...there ain't know waves lapping gently on the shore at night outside your bedroom window in Toledo ;(.

One of the best things in the house was a queen size chez lounge bed thing overlooking the lake (occupied here by Becca and Sadie).  Many a night spent reading as the sun went down!  

Pottery Barn Love everywhere.

And, so it is said that all good things must come to an end.  Packed my bag and my fresh lavender from the morning farmers market, and said goodbye.  I am so truly grateful to have spent a week with my amazing family...Love you Toledo, Cincinatti, and St. Louis crews!!
Stay tuned for our day trips and outings!!

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