Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just a Typical Night...

Joe:  "Did you know that Michael Buble' is Barbara Streisand's son?"

Me:  "No, he is not.  He is Canadian and Barbara Streisand is not."

Joe:  "Oh, I mean Josh Groban.  Josh Groban is Barbara's son."

Me:  "No, he also is not.  (quickly googling Josh Groban's parents on my tab) Here is a picture of Josh Groban's mother and that is not Barbara Streisand.

Joe:  "I don't understand, I saw them on TV singing together, and it was definitely Josh Groban, and she said "this is my son.""

Ok, in all fairness, Barbara Streisand son looks exactly like Josh Groban.  Point Joe.

Day #19, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree  ;)

xoxo, e.


  1. lol

    I think that before Joe even got to the part about them singing, I would have said "No, dude! You're thinking of Josh Brolin! And he's her step-son!"


  2. this conversation is one tiny little representative fraction of why i love you guys so much.
