Sunday, April 1, 2012

Midnight Massage...Purely For Your Enjoyment.

This post is purely for your entertainment and enjoyment.  Sometimes things happen in this family, and we laugh for days.  I have a more than mildly entertaining daughter, and, well, you've probably met Joe.  But once in awhile, I am the root of all giggling.

I have been known to do things in my sleep - random yelling, insistent talking, walking, reaching for things, etc.  To Joe's benefit (or dismay), he is usually wide awake for said midnight happenings.  I fall asleep hours before him.  He is usually sitting up watching T.V. next to me in bed whilst I am yelling and reaching for things.  Poor lamb.

The other night, as I lay peacefully sleeping, I gave Joe a massage.  Not just any massage, but the weirdest two finger massage in the history of midnight massages.  Picture me, laying on my side with my arms rigidly outstretched.  Joe's back was facing me, and I woke myself up from a sound sleep with two fingers on each hand awkwardly massaging Joe's shoulders, like little crab  pincers.  Hoping he hadn't noticed, I slowly retreated the fingers and went back to sleep.

The next morning when he was in the shower, he yelled out "Hey, remember that really weird massage you gave me in your sleep? Thanks honey!" said so mockingly...followed by bellowed, sarcastic laughing.  I cried I laughed so hard.  I don't know why this is so funny to me, but I hope it makes you giggle a little on a gloom and doom Sunday.  And....the master bath got a face lift ;)  Gone is the baby poop brown, in with a farm fresh spring!

Every large mirror that I own, I have trash picked from the streets of Detroit.  We are talking like a dozen.  Need a large antique mirror?  Trick of the trade, go to Detroit on bulk trash day (which is every day in Detroit).  Done.  All set.

Antique French post cards from an amazing Etsy seller in Holland...hand tinted the exact color of my bathroom.  Some things are just meant to be.

Gnarly old piece of bark cloth from Etsy...there was just enough for a valance if I worked it just right ;)  Out this window there is a huge mulberry tree where all kinds birds perch, and all kinds of chickens gather I wanted something birdish for this window.

Mamma's side of the closet.  Yes, you can borrow boots.  And yes, you can all come and take a bath in the pretty room.  Individually.  Or together, I suppose that's up to you.  I am now going to sit and picture different combinations of you in my tub.  And Laugh.


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