Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Bandwagons I Jump On.

I always seem to jump on the bandwagon a little late, but I'm always glad when I do.  I started True Blood   a few episodes in, and couldn't believe there were three Sundays of my life that I had not looked forward to Bill and Sookie.  I read the Twilight books after I was sick of hearing everyone else talk about them (I also complained repeatedly to my sister that they weren't getting steamy enough for me... until she informed me that such was my fate if I chose to buy books in the pre-teen section of Borders.)

Most recently - Hunger Games and Madmen.  I had no good reason except that I didn't want to buy the books, didn't have netflix to watch back episodes, blah blah blah.  But then the first movie in the Hunger Games trilogy was impending, and I panicked.  I borrowed all three from Allison and neglected my family and home for days until they were read.  And I loved them.  So yes, I was one of the random single people with a diet coke and a tub of popcorn at the movies on Friday...the kind of people who take the afternoon off, or leave the kids at home with the sitter...the kind of people who quietly lift the noisy movie theater napkins to dab their tears - because it was so damn good!

I really have no excuse for not seeing Madmen sooner, except that it just wasn't on TV.  But finally, a few weeks back, there it was.  Every Sunday morning, starting at 6 a.m.,  my DVR quietly recorded three episodes whilst my family sleep soundly in their beds (because who watches Madmen at 6 am on a Sunday?  Crazy AMC people).  So every Sunday afternoon I would neglect my family and home and watch my episodes, which lead right up to the season premier on Sunday.

It was good.  We fell in love with the new, kinder and gentler Don Draper and got some good shirtless shots of him.  But even better was the Madmen premier party at Allison's - complete with 60's apps and cocktails, and even better company.  Coco had a fever, so poor Joe did my hair up nice, and then put his jammies on to snuggle in with the little one for the evening (but I did bust home to watch the show with him, bearing leftovers and cheesecake).

Allison's Avacodo Crab Salad

Mark's Whiskey Sours

Chef Alex's Beef (that sounds kinda dirty)

Bye the bye, Joe came home bearing fruit trees today!!  Two peach and one cherry.
Good thing I already ordered the bees ;).

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