Monday, October 29, 2012

Gravestones and Chili.

The colors usually peak at our house around the second weekend in October.  Over those few weeks when things are picture perfect fall around here, I try and lure as many people out as I can for hikes, cider, chili, and love.

This years chili fest was on a crisp fall day.  Grey sky, perfect leaves.
A huge roaster of chili.
Cornbread and Allison's fresh brioche.
Sweet apple crisp.
Hot cider and rum.

While the husbands finished up dinner, the mom's loaded up all of the kids and took a quick field trip to the little town cemetery across the road...for Halloween fun and pics!

And, as I write this, the leaves are officially down, blowing violently around the yard.  The big storm is moving in for all of us, and my gut is that the other end of that will feel like winter.  Hunker down folks!  Stay warm, take care of each the storm!!

xoxo, e.


  1. Exploring cemeteries is truly one of my favorite hobbies! I bet good old Henry Elsworth would be glad to know he's being visited with such joy.

    1. Agreed Dana! The smart young chap in the pics was excitedly running from grave to grave yelling "these date to pre-civil war!!" Cheers to Henry on this All hallows week!!

  2. The screaming wind is totally making it feel like a Washington Irving story outside today. These amazing pictures don't hurt. All except for Coco's goofy/adorable expressions.

    1. I know! Just just ran in the room yelling "what's that damn whistling?"...the whistling wind my dear.
