Tuesday, October 16, 2012

things I didn't steal...

...at Pioneer Days.

This is just a checking in blog post really.  It's been a busy week.  Work has been hectic, family has been in and out of town, and it's time to baton down the farm hatches for the winter.  I also have a bunch of shop stuff to list, which nags at me until I get it measured, listed, and tucked away.  Ideally, one should list a few things every few days...this keeps you higher in the search engine list.  I, however, don't have the time or, frankly, the patience needed for the slow and steady method.  I like to get it all done, and then spend my evenings snuggled on the couch reading.  (but it's never really done - then I'm just fixated on the next photo shoot and washing, ironing, blah blah blah.)

But never you mind.  My family came over for a fall cuddle-in-and-love-each-other- overnighter this weekend.  I like when we are all under one roof.  I like waking up with Coco and my niece Sadie here together...grandpa sweetly reading them Sunday morning stories...grandma getting Sunday dinner started before we've even had our coffee.  My mamma put a turkey in the roaster, and we all had an early meal before my sister and her husband hit the road back to Cincinnati.

Early afternoon, my parents, Joe, Coco, and I all went to Pioneer Days at the Waterloo Historical Farm Museum.  This is Coco's jam...she can't get enough of the historical farm.  We have lazily wasted many a Sunday afternoon touring the farm - Coco often adding in facts or correcting the tour guides...I'm telling you, she loves this stuff, the sweet little history buff.

Most weekends when we go to the farm, they have all of the curtains closed inside the house so as not to expose the Victorian era home goods to the sun.  On Pioneer Days, however, they open that house up!!!  And I can take pictures of the things that i want to casually wear out, hoping no one will notice.  Kidding!  I did not steal anything from Pioneer Day's ;).  We are members people, that just wouldn't look good.

I, oh, what can I even say. These just sit in the attic, dying a slow lonely death.
They did not fit in my purse.

Sigh.  The Victorian shoes and beaver skin top hats.  Sigh.

The attic at the farm house is full of weird treasures and amazing taxidermy.

They have a great display of Victorian hair art in the parlor, and some huge feather art pieces (this is why I saved all those turkey feathers Kelly and Allison...Christmas craft ideas!!)

Wringing out the laundry!

A dried flowers craft, and a handsome man carrying my bundle of dried wild flowers (weeds).  They were $1!!  We can use them for crafts ok?

I don't even know what to say about these poor people.  They were singing their hearts out...over the loud bluegrass band that was like 20 feet away.  Poor planning on someones part.

The evening light catching just right in my den...perhaps my favorite place in the house.

Au revoir for now sweets.  Grandma Kate is coming for a visit with Coco, and Joe and I are headed up north for a romantic weekender.  What????  Michigan?  Up North?  In October??   Perfection.

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