Friday, January 18, 2013

We Got a Widget.

Through a series of unforeseen circumstances, we got a bird.
A starling.
Our little Widget, to be more exact.

   The call came in this weekend that he needed a home, stat.  I have been pretty good about not seeking out animals.  Believe you me, I could browse Craigslist all day and have a serious petting zoo going on over here...but I don't.  My rule of thumb is that if an animal finds us, we are supposed to be it's home...which Widget did.

   Joe's rules of thumb is that we have "no pets unless they give us something."  Which made the whole "I'm getting peacock's" discussion fun this week.  He totally didn't understand that "my pure enjoyment" or "feathers for Christmas crafts" were two perfectly good things that peacocks could give us.  (*note* the peacock discussion is not closed, we are in negotiations, Joe and I).

   Widget is a curious little fellow.  He is a creature of habit, and so, my daily routine has been altered a bit to fit his.   Coco and I uncover him when we get up in the morning, and I set his cage on the coffee table while Coco eats her breakfast and I make her lunch.  After I put her on the bus, I sit down with Widgie and my coffee, and hold his little tin of fresh water so he can "take a bath."  He hops onto my hand and shimmies the water over himself, adjusting and preening feathers along the way.  Intermittently, he sticks his beak through the cage and wants me to bend my head to him so he can preen me for a minute...then back to the bath.  It's awesome when I make Joe sit and do this, and get to yell out "He wants your head!  Let him preen you!"  And so he does.  hee hee.  

   Then I change his paper, get him fresh food, and hold his little food can while he sits on my hand and has some breakfast.  Rewind and repeat whenever I have a minute during the day.  Sometimes I set his cage in front of the heat vent after his bath, and he nestles up against the warm air.

   I know.  Seriously right?  Hey, we never know what God will bring us in a given day, but I must say that Widget has been a lovely little surprise!

xoxo, e and widgie.


  1. This is splendid! (and this is Christy, not Cat) :)

    1. I was just informed that this was only temporary and I misunderstood the whole thing. The romance was sweet while it lasted...:(.

    2. We're sad to lose our bunny as well. But I'm outwardly happy to lose the hermit crab.

  2. Too bad you couldn't have gotten Sandy's peacocks.

    1. That's part of Joe's argument..."Don't you remember how loud Sandy's peacocks were?" :). I don't know what happened to any of her animals. She was in the hospital when she had to be out, so Joe and Al moved all of her stuff over to Al's. A nice little family that had been living with their parents down the road bought it, so at least there are kids and people enjoying it!

    2. I think she sold most of them and some are at her sister's farm. Yes, they were loud sometimes but I think her donkey was the loudest.
